半島青年商會【領袖才能組】國際青年商會公開演講及辯論比賽 – 香港區選拔賽‬2019

國際青年商會公開演講比賽(決賽)‪及辯論比賽 – 香港區選拔賽2019將於5月13日(星期一,佛誕公眾假期)舉行。早前於4月14日舉行的公開演講比賽(初賽),本會兩名會友何德蓉(Sarah HO)及葉玉琦(Yuki IP) 成功進入決賽(公開組),大家請一同於5月13日前來支持她們,為她們打打氣。

葉玉琦(Yuki IP) 參與(公開組) 演講比賽
何德蓉(Sarah HO)參與(公開組) 演講比賽
梁振雄(Martin LEONG) 參與(青商組) 演講比賽

另外,會友梁振雄(Martin LEONG) 及楊國雄(Henry YEUNG) 將分別聯同其他分會會友參與辯論比賽。

JCI World Public Speaking & Debate Championship (Hong Kong) 2019
✦✧✦  Final Contest ✦✧✦

We are so excited to have more exciting contests coming on 13th May! On that day, we are not only having Public Speaking contest, but also the Debate contest. It is also our first time to include Debate contest in our championship. So, please don’t miss out the opportunity to witness the birth of our JC Debate Stars and the best of the best orator. Please come and support them!
Public Speaking and Debate Final on  13 May at Hall, Youth College (Kwai Fong), 85 Hing Shing Road

Morning Session (9:30 – 12:00)
Debate Preliminary Contest

9:30 am     Opening
 9:40 am     1st Round of Debate
10:10 am     2nd Round of Debate
10:40 am     3rd Round of Debate
11:10 am     4th Round of Debate

12 noon       Lunch Break

Afternoon Session (13:30 – 18:00)
Final Contest and Prizes Presentation
           13:30      Opening & Group Photo
14:00        Public Speaking Final
15:40        Debate (Chinese) Final
16:10        Debate (English) Final
                                 17:10      Judges’ Comment, Closing Remarks,
                 Announcement of Result and Prize Presentation 

✹The list of Contestants for Debate✹
***Listed in no particular order
Team 1 (JCI Tsuen Wan)
1. Melany Cheng (JCI Tsuen Wan)*
2. Ka-Yu Cheng  (JCI Tsuen Wan)
3. Stephen Chan (JCI Tsuen Wan)
4. Man-Fung Kam (JCI Tsuen Wan)

Team 2 (Harbour Debate Team A)
1. Wilson Yau (JCI Harbour)*
2. Alexandra Lo (JCI Harbour)
3. Tony Ching (JCI Harbour)

Team 3 (Harbour Debate Team B)
1. Patricia Loo (JCI Harbour)*
2. Zion Fu (JCI Harbour)
3. Yoyo Ng (JCI Harbour)
4. Felix Fan (JCI Harbour)

Team 4 (Infinity Dreamers)
1. David Wong (JCI Lantau)*
2. Justine Leung (JCI East Kowloon)
3. Dodo Lam (JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes)
4. Boris Kong (JCI Apex)

Team 5 (JCI City)
1. Jerome Ng (JCI City)*
2. Simon Yip (JCI City)
3. Zacharias Cheng (JCI City)
4. Sze-Yiu Wong (JCI City)

Team 6 (The Dream Team)
1. Martin Leong (JCI Peninsula)*
2. Beatrix Tsang (JCI Bauhinia)
3. Yungmie Chin (JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes)
Team 1 (維俏維妙)

1. Wallace Sham (JCI Victoria)*
2. Vivian Wong (JCI Victoria)

3. Jeffrey Leung (JCI Victoria)
Team 2
1. Henry Yeung (JCI Peninsula)*
2. King-Yin Fung (JCI Apex)

3. Amy Li (JCI Yuen Long)

* Captain


1. For debate contestants, please arrive punctually by 8:45 a.m. because the contest sequence will be determined by the lucky draw that day. 

2. Debate topic will be given by 10th May. The Debate Motions and Stances will also be determined by the luck draw that day.
✹The list of Contestants for Public Speaking (Final)✹
***This is the list of the contest sequence
Open Class
(Final Topic: Self-defined)
1. Sarah Ho (JCI Peninsula) – 愛上失敗裏的自己
2. Hans Wang (JCI Lion Rock) – Love
3. Yuki Ip (JCI Peninsula) – 你快樂嗎?
4. Jason Li (JCI Dragon) – 躋上新時代的數碼列車後,下一站是什麼 ?
5. Yuki Wong – 大浪星空
JC Class
(Final Topic: Children who are taught the Global Goals during the course of their education will be better prepared to become active citizens.)

1. Boris Cheung (JCI Lion Rock)
2. Edith Lee (JCI North District)
3. Vincy Wong (JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes)
4. Carol Wong (JCI Apex)

5. Joey Leung (JCI Ocean)
Join the Audience!
Witness the birth of new JC Orators!

Date:  13th May 2019 (Monday. Public Holiday)

9:00 AM – 12:00 AM  
Debate Preliminary Contest
1:30 PM –   6:00 PM  
Public Speaking and Debate FINAL Contest

Venue: Hall, Youth College (Kwai Fong), 85 Hing Shing Road

Fee: 80 HKD for Audience


領袖才能董事 蘇鋭 (6073 7903 / yvonne_so@hkpjc.org)
副會長 簡嘉倫 (9627 8957 / alvin_kan@hkpjc.org)




JCI Peninsula

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