
一年一度青商陸運會又到了! 誠邀大家於勞動節當日(5月1 日)與一眾青商好友參與陸運會,發揮大家的運動潛能,為半島出一分力!活動詳情如下:

Date: 1 May 2019
Time: 08:45 – 18:00
Venue: Wan Chai Sports Ground

Attached are the documents for JC Sports Day 2019:
1. JC Sports Day 2019 Events and Rules

Please refer to the attachment “Events and Rules (JC Sports Day 2019).pdf” for the events available for registration as well as the rules and regulations.

2. Tentative Timetable

Please refer to the attachment “Timetable (JC Sports Day 2019).pdf” for the tentative timetable on the event day. Depending on the number of registrations, the schedule is subject to changes.

3. Disclaimer Form

Please refer to the attached file “2019 JC Sports Day Disclaimer.docx”. Each registered participant should sign the acknowledgement form. In addition, we will purchase public liability insurance for the event. However, we strongly recommend each participants to purchase personal insurance against any occurrences of accidents and injuries.

4. Bad Weather Arrangement

In case of bad weather on the event day, there will be special arrangements. The details are outlined in “Bad Weather Arrangement (JC Sports Day 2019).pdf”.

i) 參賽者: 參與及完成比賽後可為社貢獻 3分
ii) 非參賽者: 出席觀看每次比賽可為社貢獻 1分事不而遲,大家馬上報名參加,一起為自己的社打氣及累積分數!
*截止報名日期 : 3月27日(星期三)* 如欲報名及查詢,請聯絡會員事務組:
1. 會員事務主委 (紅社) 姚萃瑩(Sally) – 9671 4228
2. 會員事務主委 (黃社) 李穎聰 (Erik) – 6159 9929
3. 會員事務主委 (藍社) 陳瑤瑤 (Yiu Yiu) – 92319989
4. 會員事務主委 (綠社) 黃柏霖 (Angus) – 64802738
5. 會員事務董事 黃木棋 (Kevin) – 6091 8748
6. 副會長 簡嘉倫(Alvin) – 9627 8957

青商運動會 2019 – 比賽項目及賽制
青商運動會2019 – 賽程表
青商運動會 2019 惡劣天氣安排


JCI Peninsula

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